Saturday, June 11, 2011

Life. Drawing. Experiences

So I am back in art school. And, I'm taking the first semester of life drawing. It's been interesting getting back into more realistic artwork compared to the abstract 2-D design work I was doing back in Fall of 2009. I really do enjoy drawing, and I knew I was going to enjoy the class because of the sculpture drawings and watercolor art that I have been trying to dabble with this past spring.

I was a little taken aback by having to draw a nude model, but after a while, you get used to it. What I've learned thus far.

:: Use proportions. Get your pencil out and measure.
:: Play around with different mediums. I've got graphite, charcoal, ebony, and all sorts of stuff right now. Just trying to find the right match.
:: Break things down into geometric shapes and cut into the pieces.
:: Stand back and take a look at the whole piece once in a while.
:: Draw what I see!

I'm looking forward to this class because I think it will help me work on my technique. It's amazing what a bit of guidance and practice can do.